Casey Netball Association By Laws & Constitution
Revised January 2024
1. Rules Covering Play
a) An executive shall manage the affairs of the Association, herein after called the “Executive”.
b) The Executive shall arrange and govern all competition matches and have the right to appoint sub-committees where necessary.
c) Any individually named team will be considered a club affiliated with the Association.
d) Affiliated clubs and individually named teams shall be subject to the Constitution and By-Laws.
e) A copy of the Constitution and By-Laws will be available for members.
f) The Casey Netball Association takes no responsibility for members not accessing information which has been distributed to them.
2. Effect of Membership
a) All teams and clubs participating in Casey Competitions acknowledge and agree that:
i) The By-Laws and Constitution constitutes a contract between each of them and the Association and that they are bound by the Constitution and the Regulations.
ii) They shall comply with and observe the Constitution and the Regulations.
iii) By submitting to the Constitution and the Regulations they are subject to the jurisdiction of the Association.
iv) The Constitution and Regulations are necessary and reasonable for promoting the purposes of the Association; and
v) They are entitled to all benefits, advantages, privileges, and services of their membership as determined by the Executive.
3. Team Entry
a) All team entry money is non-refundable.
b) Any team withdrawing from the competition will be subject to a $200.00 withdrawal fee.
4. Player Eligibility
a) All players, umpires and coaches must have Netball Victoria Registration.
b) All players must pay the current Netball Victoria Membership Fee prior to the commencement of their first game. Netball Victoria Membership runs from 1st January – 31st December.
c) All players must be turning seven (7) years of age to participate in a fixtured competition.
5. Juniors
a) Age groups for Junior Competitions will be taken from January 1st i.e., a player in the 15 & Under Competition should remain fifteen (15) years up until the 31st of December.
b) A maximum of three (3) boys may take the court in Netta, Under 11 and Under 13 competitions. Teams may only play one (1) male in each third, being either GS/GA, GK/GD, or WA/C/WD.
c)Late comers in the Netta & Under 11 Sections (No Finals) do not have to wait for a goal to be scored to enter the court. Once the Umpire is advised, the player may commence their game.
6. Finals Eligibility
a) To qualify for the finals a player must have played a minimum of four (4) games with a club/team in each competition played in that season excluding the last four (4) consecutive games. If any club/team require replacement players, they must seek approval from the executive in writing. If an ineligible player plays in a final, the offending team will lose the match.
b) A player shall not participate in more than one (1) final on the same day unless they are different competitions e.g., Juniors and Mixed.
7. Grading
a) The Grading Sub-Committee will grade all teams. All decisions are final. Once graded, a player may not play in a lower section. The Executive retains the right to query any new player registration after grading.
b) In the event of clubs having multiple teams in an age group teams will be graded with one team per section. Where there are additional teams, they can choose the section that best suits the ability of the players.
c) Any athlete who is part of our Casey Squad Program must be placed in the highest section team that the club offers in that age group.
8. Uniforms
a) No club or team, other than Casey Representative teams, shall be permitted to use the Association official uniform which is a multi-coloured A-Line dress.
b) During a match players must wear a registered playing uniform and positional bibs.
c) Playing Uniforms may consist of dress, skirt, shorts, tee (long and short sleeve), leggings, head or face coverings.
d) Team uniforms should be of a similar design to create continuity throughout the team to assist umpires to officiate the game.
e) New teams and players will be given the first three (3) weeks of the season to be in correct uniform. After round three (3), players not in uniform shall be required to pay a $2.00 out-of-uniform fee and receive a stamp prior to the commencement of the game. Sports briefs must be worn under skirts/dresses.
f) Teams are expected to supply their own positional bibs, which must be worn at all times during the game. When teams cannot do so bibs will be available for hire from the centre under the current hiring arrangement. If two teams on the same court have the same colour bibs, the second named team will change bibs.
g) Gloves may not be worn at any time. A medical condition may be accepted but the player must provide a medical certificate and seek approval from the Executive. Upon approval from the Executive the player will be issued a card from the Association which they must show to the umpire prior to the match commencing.
h) Bare midriffs are unacceptable.
i) Players will not be permitted to take the court in finals unless they are in full uniform.
j) Any player may seek a variation to the uniform for medical, cultural, religious, or other reasonable grounds and must submit a request to the Association, which may be granted or declined at the discretion of the Association
9. Registrations
All new players must be registered during the competition. Proof of age must be supplied on request by a Casey staff member or the Executive.
10. Player Eligibility / Ineligibility
a) A player shall not participate in more than one (1) game in any one (1) round of a competition. Players may participate in different competitions on the same day e.g., Juniors and Mixed.
b) After playing three (3) times at a higher level with a club/team, the player will be committed to play in that Section.
c) In the event of a club/team playing an ineligible player, the match will be deemed to be a scratch match. The non-offending team will be credited with a 10/0 score.
d) Clubs entering more than one (1) team in any section may not interchange their players.
11. Borrowing Players.
Players may play a second game on any given day only to enable the team they are filling in for to make the 5th, 6th or 7th players providing the following:-
a) The player may only play for an age group or section higher than their own registered team.
b) The player must cease playing as soon as practicable if the team they are filling in for is able to field seven (7) players after the start of play
12. Walkovers and Forfeits
a) A team giving a walkover will lose the game 10 – 0.
b) A team is deemed to be late on court if that team fails to take the court at the commencement of the match. That team shall be penalised one (1) goal per minute after the umpire has officially notified both teams and the scorer prior to the match commencing. If the team has not taken the court by quarter time it is considered to have forfeited the match. The opposing team of five (5) of more players, on court and wearing positional bibs, shall be awarded four (4) points together with a score of 10 – 0. Walkover penalties will then apply.
c) If after play has commenced a team decides to leave the court, they shall forfeit the game and a 10 to 0 loss will be recorded.
d) Teams receiving a forfeit may complete a score sheet if wishing to qualify a player. This must be completed by the end of the session and may be done over the phone where necessary.
e) Walkover fees are double court fees and are payable before playing the next game.
13. Senior Mixed Netball
a) All players in senior mixed competitions shall turn thirteen (13) years or over during the year of competition.
b) There must be at least one (1), but not more than three (3) male players on the court during play. It is not necessary for a male player to be opposed to a male player. Teams may only play one (1) male in each third, being either GS/GA, GK/GD, or WA/C/WD.
c) Female players are allowed to wear appropriate sports shorts (not sports briefs) in the Mixed Competition.
14. Correspondence
a) All correspondence must be signed and dated by the Team Contact and sent to Casey Netball Association Inc. P.O. Box 5007, Cranbourne 3977 or by email: info@caseynetball.com.au Correspondence should be on club letterhead.
15. Codes of Behaviour
a) Casey Netball Association will adopt Codes of Behaviour as prescribed in the Netball Victoria Member Protection Regulation.
b) All matters will be dealt with in accordance with the Competition Regulation as provided by Netball Victoria.
16. Clearances
a) A clearance is required if a player wishes to transfer to another Club/Team during the current season.
b) No player will be granted more than one (1) clearance per season.
c) Players who owe outstanding playing fees or are in possession of Club/Team property (uniform, equipment) will not be granted a clearance during the current season.
d) A player must have received notification in writing from Casey Netball Association before playing for a new Club/Team.
e) Penalty: Fine as determined by the Executive
f) The existing Club/Team has 7 days to complete the clearance or Casey Netball Association will automatically clear the player to the new Club/Team.
g) If the Club/Team refuses to clear the player (refer: conditions of clearance), Casey Netball Association will write to the player advising the reason why and forward a copy to both Clubs. Any dispute arising from clearance restrictions will be dealt with according to the grievance procedure outlined in the Constitution.
h) The player will then receive a letter advising of the outcome and a copy will be forwarded to both Clubs/Teams.
17. Finals
In the event of a draw in any final, the teams will change ends and play extra time - two halves of two minutes each end. Premier League matches will consist of three minutes each end. Teams are allowed to make positional changes and substitution during both of these intervals. During extra time, normal injury or illness procedures shall apply (refer Rule 7.1 Official Rules of Netball)
Should the result be another draw the game shall continue until one team has a two (2) goal advantage.
18. Conduct of Matches
a) All matches, junior and senior shall comprise of four quarters of either nine (9) or ten (10) minutes, with a half time break of one minute. Premier League will comprise of four quarters of fifteen (15) minutes with a half time break of 3 minutes and 2-minute quarterly breaks.
b) Four points shall be awarded for a win, two for a draw and four points for a bye.
c) First named team on the score sheet will be given the first centre pass.
d) Fingernails should be trimmed in order to avoid injury to other players, or to be taped over and around with suitable soft stretch tape.
e) Wedding bands, medical bracelets, ear and body rings must be suitably taped.
f) Players under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted to take the court.
g) Each team is responsible for filling in the score sheet correctly, checking the final score and signing the score sheet. The winning team is responsible for returning the completed score sheet to the Competition Supervisor immediately after the game. Any irregularity on the score sheet must be reported immediately to the Competition Supervisor. The score sheet is the official and final score.
h) It is the team’s responsibility to make sure that all players are listed/crossed out on the score sheet, as names not correctly recorded on the official score sheet shall not be credited with that game and may not, therefore qualify for finals matches. Player positions must be recorded to count as a qualifying game.
i) A team or any person wishing to lodge a complaint must do so immediately after the match and in writing within forty-eight (48) hours.
j) Teams are responsible for supplying their own First Aid Equipment. Basic First Aid is supplied by the YMCA at Casey Stadium and is available from the Cafe/Duty Manager
k) In the event of an emergency or cancellation of a game for inclement weather and the match is unable to be finished, two points will be awarded to each team if before half-time. If at or after half-time, the score at time of stoppage of play will stand. Bye teams will still receive four points. Matters regarding refunding of match fees must be referred to Casey Netball Association.
19. Special Circumstances/Provisions Clause
a) Where this By-Law is silent, a decision can be made that ensures the integrity of the Casey Netball Association is maintained at all times.
b) The Executive may in using its reasonable discretion, in exceptional or extenuating circumstances, alter, vary, or waive the requirements set out in this By-Law relating to the Casey Netball Association.
20. Indemnity
a) Except where provided or required by law and such cannot be excluded, the Casey Netball Association and its respective directors, officers, members, servants, or agents are absolved from all liability however arising from injury or damage, however caused, arising whilst participating as a member.
21. Inclement Weather Policy
Casey Stadium and Olive Road Sporting Complex
a) Where the indoor court temperature reaches 32 degrees Celsius the Venue Managers will implement the heat policy. This will include extra drink breaks and shortening quarters.
b) Where the indoor court temperature exceeds 37 degrees Celsius games will be cancelled.
1) Olive Road Sporting Complex – outdoor
i. Immediate Cessation of Play
· The following conditions may cause immediate cessation of play:
· Coverage of courts by more than 35% water (the equivalent of more than 1/3 under water)
· Heavy rainfall
· Medium to heavy rainfall accompanied by wind, hail or sleet
· Threat or actual lightning
· Dust storm
· Where the court temperature exceeds 38 degrees Celsius games will be cancelled.
· Very poor to Hazardous air quality as deemed by EPA AirWatch epa.vic.gov.au
· Play may recommence at the discretion of the competition manager.
· If play recommences existing scores stand, and the match is decided by subsequent play. The competition manager may also elect to reduce the game time appropriately to keep to the overall competition’s schedule.
· If play is ceased permanently for the round, then refer to the By-laws (17.k.) for the outcome of the games.
ii. Cessation of Subsequent rounds
· The following conditions may cause cessation / cancellation of subsequent rounds.
· Coverage of courts by more than 35% water
· Heavy rainfall
· Medium to heavy rainfall accompanied by wind, hail or sleet
· Threat or actual lightning
· Dust Storm
· Temperatures in excess of 38 degrees Celsius
· Very Poor to Hazardous air quality as deemed by EPA AirWatch epa.vic.gov.au
· If play is cancelled refer to By-laws (17.k.) for the outcome of games.
iii. Playing time Amendments
· The competition manager may elect to shorten quarter times and increase drink breaks between games during hot weather.
22. Inclusive Environment.
a) (i) Casey Netball Association is committed to providing a safe, fair and inclusive sporting environment, where all people are treated equally, with dignity and respect.
(ii) Casey Netball Association will endeavour to promote equality and diversity within our environment. This will include, but will not be limited to, the promotion of netball to communities such as;
• Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)
• Indigenous
• Individuals with a mental illness
• Individuals with a disability
b) Casey Netball Association will endeavour to provide opportunities for males to participate in mixed and male competitions.
c) All competitions will be clearly labelled regarding age group and gender. This includes additional references to all genders that are permitted to play. All competition labelling will be clear and transparent.
d) Casey Netball Association observes the Netball Victoria Gender Regulation in regard to male participation:
(i) Males who are 13 years and older are not permitted to participate in female competition. This means that males must be less than 13 years of age (actual age) as at the first day of the competition or season; and
(ii) Males that turn 13 during that competition or season will be permitted to participate for the duration of that competition or season.
Any player or person who deliberately transfers body fluids onto another player or person will be ordered off the court and removed from the stadium immediately, and then be required to attend a tribunal hearing. The player’s position is left vacant for the remainder of the game. If the player is a Centre, one ON COURT position can be moved into Centre. This position is then left vacant for the remainder of the game.
(a) Casey Netball Association requires every person, club and team competing in our competitions and programs, wherever possible, to obtain permission from a child’s parent/guardian before taking an image of a child that is not their own. They should make sure the parent/guardian understands how the image will be used.
(b) The use of camera phones, videos and cameras inside changing areas, showers and toilets is prohibited.
(c) When using a photo of a child, members will not name or identify the child, publish personal information such as residential address, email address or telephone numbers without the consent of the parent/guardian.
(d) Casey Netball will not publicly provide or publish to any person or organisation, information about a child’s hobbies, interests, school, or the like.
(e) Casey Netball will only use images of children that are relevant to netball and will ensure that they are suitably clothed in a manner that promotes participation in netball. Wherever possible, the organisation will seek permission from a child’s parent/ guardian before using the image.
All matters not contained herein will be dealt with at the discretion of the Executive.